Stack Exchange Inc. has fired Shog9 and Robert Cartaino, who were both employed as liaisons between the company and the various Stack Exchange communities. For details, see this post on Meta Stack Exchange.
We don't know why Stack Exchange Inc. took this decision, and many people in the community are very unhappy about it. As moderators, we have had exclusively good experiences interacting with them.
Before Earth Science Stack Exchange was launched, it existed for around 2 years as a proposal on Area 51. Robert Cartainos work has been instrumental in shaping Area 51, so in a way, he was there at the very beginning. Although the procedure at Area 51 may seem automatic, it was his job to actually make the case to launch a site once it met the formal requirements. See his activity on Area 51. Thank you Robert Cartaino!
Less than two weeks ago, the most recent post on this meta, was an overview Shog9 had put together for us, on moderation in 2019. Considering there are 174 sites to keep track of, his dedication is impressive. Thank you Shog9!
From the very start until the very recent, Robert Cartaino and Shog9 have helped guide this community to bring it where it is now. It is a great loss to continue without them.
Whatever happens with Stack Exchange, our community will continue to exist. Thoughts, reflections, or proposals are all welcome. Ultimately, it is the community that defines who we are and what we are, and it is up to us to decide what we want to do.