I hoppe you read it ebv and you consider returning.
I am gonna be clear, as I don't want more valuable users loosed.
I have talked with a moderator about the issue you are angry with. Moderators are solving the issue, I don't know how, but there is some private emailing we are not seeing.
His account has been suspended a day. On physics exchange he got suspended 1 month and he never returned.
Please considere moderators task is done by free and it is sometimes difficult. This site needs to be welcoming with every user and mods need to be exemplary.
I can't read those emails, but if he don't changes his behaviour I guess finnaly he will be suspended.
I hoppe you can return once the issue is solved. We appreciate your also high activity, but with Sicence rigor.
Thanks for the time you got to answer some of our questions in any case, contributing to our library of knowledge.