I say this because I notice some of these questions are not really answerable at the moment, yet they are worthy of discussion. It seems to me creating a chat room would allow for a more relaxed atmosphere where various "theories" can be pondered upon. I have no clue what x and y are. -------------------------------------------------- From Casey's answer below, I forked one of the queries to perform this rough draft: -- Questions with high score and high viewcount yet unanswered -- Unanswered means any question that has not been formally accepted (there could be answers). select top 500 Id as [Post Link], Score, ViewCount from Posts where Score > 10 and ViewCount > 100 and ParentId is null and AcceptedAnswerId is null order by ViewCount desc Try it here: http://data.stackexchange.com/earthscience/query/edit/255433 There are probably better ways to do this. Let me know what you think.