I asked this question I thought migth interest neuroscientists, the community from wich I could receive a serious feedback about my theory of autism present in Heidelbergensis (the geological history is in the link, I moved the history to my blog trying to reopen the question).
They closed the question with the geological history but now they have reopened it.
I asked then in biology a related question about my geological history a bit sci-fict, closed too
I asked also in history for datation of Heildelbergensis travel from Africa to Europe, much more precise, and closed and deleted too.
Then I went to Meta to ask why does History site does not answer paleoantropology, where they said biology is the site to my questions about autism and evolution, wich was not my Meta question. Then a biologist said my question was off-topic in biology (but the question is closed as "needs more focus"). Then I asked in Meta Biology, where they said my question invites a long discussion.
There is a hole for this topic in Stack Exchange I think, nobody wants to treat it.
Not for the autism issue, but for questions as the one closed and deleted in History asking for datation of Heidelbergensis travel from Africa to Europe,
are paleoantropology questions suited for this site, as being paleontology?