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casey's user avatar
casey's user avatar
casey's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
18 votes

Should we shut this site down?

14 votes

Etiquette of switching "best answer"

13 votes

Do we need [climate-change] and [global-warming]?

11 votes

How do I ask homework questions on Earth Science Stack Exchange?

10 votes

Is there a list of topics that are to be censored?

9 votes

Earth Science: Biweekly Topic Challenge

9 votes

Would it be beneficial to incorporate the el-nino tag and prempt a la-nina tag under an ENSO tag?

8 votes

How can I format math and chemistry expressions here?

8 votes

90 unanswered questions and counting

8 votes

Advice asked for question on hold for being too broad

8 votes

Questions (even unanswered ones) from our site are being illegally cloned

7 votes

Should we add a "not mainstream science" close reason?

7 votes

Human health and earth science questions - do they belong here

7 votes

Usage of remote sensing to derive meteorological parameters be on topic?

7 votes

Are Shumann waves on topic?

7 votes

Addressing climate change denial

7 votes

Are quantitative questions off topic?

6 votes

Does Earth Science cover the universe?

6 votes

Why isn't my reputation count raising when my post gets upvoted on meta?

5 votes

Are counterfactual questions on topic?

5 votes

Community promotion ad

5 votes

Let's add an earth science related feed in our chat room

5 votes

Should we reword a question's title so that it can get more Google visitors?

5 votes

Consistency in closing questions

5 votes

Do we need [climate-change] and [global-warming]?

5 votes

Is it possible to automatically create a chat room for questions that remain unanswered which have more than say x votes and y time has elapsed?

5 votes

Synonymize [ocean] and [oceanography]

4 votes

Tag Abbreviations

3 votes

How to sort questions by views?

3 votes

Why I can only vote 36 times in a day?