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What straddles the line of 'Identification Request?'

I found out that identification requests are off-topic. I assume this includes questions such as 'What rock is this?' [Image of rock], but would questions about identifying certain types of rock (e.g.,...
CPlus's user avatar
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Do man-made landforms count as geomorphological features?

I was looking at this question and considering adding the tag "geomorphology". Then I wondered if it was really appropriate, as the features discussed in the question were man-made. I looked ...
Jean-Marie Prival's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Economic geography -- on topic?

I've been thinking about asking this question for a while. But I saw a good example that made me go ahead and ask it now. Recently, this History SE question was (rightly) closed as off-topic for ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Do we still need advice how to best describe our rocks?

When I forgot to add a title to a question before posting and clicked "review" I got an error which is good. But since I included the identification-request tag the advice includes ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Does Earth Science cover the practical aspects of combatting climate change?

I recently went searching through the Stack Exchange site list for one that may support practical advice for combating climate change on every level: personal, business, local, state or nationally. ...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Shark tooth ID question on topic?

The question Identify this...item found on Myrtle Beach essentially asks "Did I find a shark tooth?" The title could be better, the question could do with more information, but is now getting close ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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When is geography on-topic?

We have a geography tag. That includes physical geography, which is on-topic, but also questions more related to what people do with the Earth, such as What is the line crossing the Pacific Ocean ...
gerrit's user avatar
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1 vote
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Questions asking for programming help

On Stack Overflow each and every programming question must include a minimum piece of code including test data otherwise it gets closed down. What is our policy regarding this ? I raised the flag on ...
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4 votes
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Questions related to NOAA API

I see these questions on SO -Past Weather forecasts archive and I wonder why these questions are not coming to our site. Are they off topic ?
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1 vote
2 answers

Are copy written .GIF videos ok to use as a visual aid?

Copy written text material get sited all the time. Is it ok to use video clips and site them? Where or where not to be when an asteriod is coming?
Muze's user avatar
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Can Iask questions here about other planets like Mars? [duplicate]

Are questions applicable about Mars here on Earth Science? Can this be used like a Planet Science as well as Earth Science?
Muze's user avatar
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3 votes
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Would this question be on topic here for scientific correctness?

I do not wish to cross post but not sure whether the question belongs here or not - This is a ...
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6 votes
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Are geoengineering questions on-topic?

A number of questions, such as this recent one Ways, Through Science, to Counteract Hurricane Forces? seem to me beyond .the scope of this site. This is a classic case of someone misidentifying ...
Spencer's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is agriculture on-topic?

Agriculture, or at least horticulture, is a field that closely interacts with various fields of Earth Science such as soil science and meteorology. Are questions about agriculture in general on-topic ...
gerrit's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Have the question standards for Earth Science Stack Exchange reduced since inception?

The title says it all. I have been with this site for over two years now. I remember clearly in the beginning there was a much higher standard as far as questions were concerned. Of late all kinds of ...
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6 votes
1 answer

Is Asking A Question On Proper Temperature & Humidity Measuring On-Topic?

I've got a question that is about how to accurately measure temperature and humidity to prevent invalid data being gathered. However, these measurements are for both outdoor and indoor. Would that ...
kittycat's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Atmospheric science fortran code review

Very basic question. Should I get my code reviewed here (I have written some code for a problem in atmos science) or on codereview stack exchange. It is written in Fortran. Moving forward how should ...
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4 votes
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Where is the line between earthscience and physics SE?

This question about atmospheric refraction of visible light was recently closed as off-topic because "it belongs on physics". While it would fit on physics I also feel that it is on-topic here, and ...
casey's user avatar
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How should we handle questions that are valid and focussed, but not answerable without unreasonably large efforts?

How should we handle questions that are valid and focussed, but not answerable without large efforts? Many climate-related questions fall in this category. For example, one could consider the ...
gerrit's user avatar
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6 votes
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Should we host questions about hypothetical or fictional planets?

There are three recent questions that are asking about how things would be different on a fictional "alternate earth" with different parameters: Altering the Milankovitch Cycles Great Lakes Earth: ...
Semidiurnal Simon's user avatar
18 votes
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Are Earth Science related programming questions on topic?

I'm asking this because of the closing of this question asking how to plot wind barbs in python. The reception from the community seems to be split. One one hand it was upvoted to +7, and on the ...
casey's user avatar
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Should we refine our page description?

I think our page description Q&A for those interested in the geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental sciences could be refined. How do you feel about this? Should we update the ...
BHF's user avatar
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Advice asked for question on hold for being too broad

How is this question of mine "too broad? Is the importance of planetary science for Earth science so enormous that it can't even be explained? Then please just answer so, don't shut it down. How am I ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
1 vote
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Algorithm confirmation

I have an algorithm in textual form(in English) from a research paper that deals with meteorology/climatology . If I convert the textual algorithm into pseudo code can I ask it as a question here for ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Should we allow requests for references?

Prompted by seeing References for moving and nested grids in models. The asker is after information on "concepts such as moving grids and nested grids in models", which if asked as such would probably ...
Semidiurnal Simon's user avatar
2 votes
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Agrometeorology questions on topic?

Are questions related to agrometeorology on topic or not ? It could encompass crop yield forecast in response to climate change. Ways to prevent a hailstorm battering crops etc. Are these on topic ?
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1 vote
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Does Earth Science cover the universe?

I am interested in science (particular how the universe works) and so I watch the Discovery Channel. Does this Stack Exchange site cover questions about the universe or does it only cover questions ...
iProgram's user avatar
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Answer existing question or ask a new concise one in it's place

There is an existing question asked a while ago - What are monsoons caused by? and I just want to know whether it is better to ask a more concise version of this question restricting it to the Asian ...
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11 votes
4 answers

Should pseudoscience questions be closed on sight?

A comment on a recent question: I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's about pseudoscience. received numerous votes and noting we have no "official" policy on this I am ...
casey's user avatar
  • 14.2k
5 votes
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Are Shumann waves on topic?

Are Schumann resonances (SR) on topic? Like background radiation of the Earth (the Shumann wave) at 7.8 Hertz?
kenorb's user avatar
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What is the difference between Earth Science and Sustainable Living SE?

Can anybody clarify what is the main differences between Earth Science and Sustainable Living stack exchange sites? As I'm finding it a bit confusing where to ask and what kind of questions. Both ...
kenorb's user avatar
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Usage of remote sensing to derive meteorological parameters be on topic?

I am not sure if I can recall perfectly but somebody mentioned this in a meta posting once. Would the usage of remote sensing to calculate meteorological/oceanographical parameters be on topic ? I ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Are questions about atmospheric radiation on topic?

One aspect that there are few questions (so far) about atmospheric radiation (e.g. ultraviolet A and B; applications of Beer's Law; etc). I am a bit biased about this as it is my primary area of ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Are the logistics of field projects on topic?

This question ponders the dress requirements for outdoor operations in the Antarctic winter. This is a consideration for any field project that operates in the extreme cold and part of the logistic ...
casey's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Are questions about exoplanets and planetary formation on topic?

In response to this question: 'Late Veneer' on other planets Few have brought up the point that it may or may not be on topic. Is it?
Neo's user avatar
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Is the question about electric versus fossil-fuelled vehicles on topic?

How do hybrid cars reduce carbon emissions (wouldn't they just transfer fuel emissions to electricity consumption?) is probably the furthest we've strayed into the mechanical engineering aspects ...
410 gone's user avatar
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Mathematical methods applied to Earth science?

Do we welcome questions about the interpretation of mathematical tools used in Earth Science? For example, I asked a question related to the interpretation of the mathematics of remote sounding. Is ...
gerrit's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is Helioseismology on topic in Earth Science or Astronomy?

What is says on the tin, is Helioseismology on topic in Earth Science or Astronomy? Myself I'd think no (for ES) as although it takes elements of seismology, I think there is a fundamental difference ...
Siv's user avatar
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Should we allow questions that ask "why"?

I feel the word "why" asks for an answer that gives a reason or a purpose. Is that appropriate for a Q&A about Earth Science? If you look at the questions on the physics SE site, I believe the ...
Mark Rovetta's user avatar
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Which archaeology-related questions are on topic?

I have already asked few questions on the border between archaeology and earth sciences, such as this or this. I want to ask more, but I would like to be sure that they are on topic before asking. ...
Pavel V.'s user avatar
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Homework questions

UPDATE: This is a historical discussion. Here is the adopted homework questions policy. We don't have this problem yet, but given time I'm sure that we will. Do we want to allow homework questions ...
casey's user avatar
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8 votes
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When are questions about crystals on-topic?

We have a few questions about crystal formation and properties, for example: Why does the colour of amethyst fade if exposed to too much light? Why do crystals, like quartz and diamonds, form in ...
naught101's user avatar
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Are data-format questions on topic?

Are questions related to the specification or implementation of data exchange or file formats on topic? For example, "How do I determine the endianness of a SEG-Y file?" If so, how should they be ...
Jacob Foshee's user avatar
4 votes
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Is history on-topic?

My question Why are weather kites no longer used (much) operationally? received (at the time of writing) two close votes; one for being not an expert-level question (I disagree), and one for being off-...
gerrit's user avatar
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5 votes
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Are software-requests on-topic?

We have questions like Does anyone know of a DBMS with global geospatial search? on the site. Personally, I'm not sure if these are off-topic or on-topic. It seems to me like that question isn't ...
hichris123's user avatar
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22 votes
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Are we aiming to be an expert site?

There have been a number of assertions that this site is aspiring to be an "expert site". I take that to mean that it is catering for experts in the fields covered, to the exclusion (to some extent) ...
naught101's user avatar
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When are paleontology questions on-topic?

Some examples: What percentage of dinosaurs had feathers What parts of the fossil record are most lacking in specimens See also the paleontology tag. Where is the dividing line between too ...
naught101's user avatar
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Would a question about the future of numerical weather prediction with quantum computing be off-topic?

Would a question about the future of numerical weather prediction with quantum computing be off-topic? This is most likely going to create speculative answers, so I'd imagine it would be, but I wanted ...
DrewP84's user avatar
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Would geosciences-specific software support be on-topic here?

Would questions asking for help performing a given task with a geosciences-specific software or library such as GPlates, PmagPy, PaSt or any stratigraphic tool such as RASC/CASC, CONOP9, UAGraph be on-...
plannapus's user avatar
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Where is the boundary between geology and chemistry?

After reading this question on diamond, my first thought was: is this really an Earth science question? Then I noticed that it was tagged geology. Fair enough, I don't even know enough about geology ...
gerrit's user avatar
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